Welcome to genuine Dubai escorts website, My Name is Audrey Segal. I am an Independent Dubai escort and an operator as well. I offer the best Nuru Massage, Tantra Massage with add-ons in Dubai and UAE. This website is dedicated to my regular customers who already had Dubai escort services from me in the past and they knows the password to access it :) If you are a new visitor to this website and want to unlock this web page you will have to request a password to me on Email at audreysegal30@gmail.com


In terms of my legitimacy I am a well known Erotic Content Writer and writing for a publications like Quora, LinkedIn, Vocal Media, Medium, Cosmopolitan, Thrillist and many more. Every article of mine has published on the above mentioned platforms has my website and WhatsApp # for your quick review and reference. 

Moreover You can google my name  `Audrey Segal` more or less 100 of employees from fortune 500 companies already vouched me on different legit review platforms.

If you are a new customer and don`t want to pay $50 to see the portfolio then you can simply open my public website which is dubai escorts where you will submit your valid email address to see the current portfolio.

If you will get to see the videos for free 1st time by me and didn`t booked then you will have to pay $150 2nd time you will inquire for the portfolio to choose. 

If you are outside of Dubai and want to explore the women associated with me you can visit my public dubai escort website where you will see each image of a woman working as escort in Dubai with me.

For Regular Customers
Please note: Images and Videos are uploaded in this website are captured by handheld no photography, so kindly don`t ask more for images and videos. If you are very choosy and wants to see more insights then you will have to pay $50 and I will share you more images and videos of the women you are interested in.

Dubai is a city where 99% Independent escorts and agencies do bait and switch, African gangs lure customers, Russian escort agencies show beautiful women`s and customer ends up to someone else, Indian and Pakistani escort agencies promise 4 and 5 star hotels to host and client ends up to one building where 20 trafficked girls are together with no privacy. 


  1. Gang of six who lured man to fake massage center and robbed him of Dh50,000 in Dubai arrested ( Source: Gulf News )
  2. Dubai-based expat pretends to be dead to avoid massage parlor assault ( Source: Gulf News )
  3. 6am massage session costs Dubai man Dh25,000 ( Source: Gulf News )
  4. Woman jailed for assaulting, robbing expat after luring him with fake massage offer ( Source: Gulf News )
  5. Man lured into fake massage center, robbed of Dh40,500 in Dubai dating app scam ( Source: Gulf News )
  6. Man beaten for refusing to pay Dh1,000 massage fees in Dubai

You must be thinking why I do charge upfront money for showing you the portfolio right? Well, I receive more or less 100 new inquiries every day and 95% customers who are inquiring are complete times wasters so I have initiated a protocol ( which is this website ) in order to save my time and yes regular customers of mine must be thinking why I am charging to them as well so here is the thing Once a customer becomes regular of mine after having services once most customers are doing touch base on my WhatsApp and asking the updates again and again without booking so again the solution I have found is to charge $50 to regular customer each time when he wants to see the updates so he will pay if he really need services and it`s really proven since I have started this website. If any new customer or regular customer of mine thinks it`s not normal to charge money to show the updates then I would suggest you to look 1000 more providers in Dubai showing the free portfolio because I am not suitable for you.